maandag 9 november 2009

Blog 3: SA farmers to rent land in Congo

The Republic of Congo and South Africa has signed an agreement about the lease of 200.000 hectares of land. According to the minister of agriculture in Congo this agreement is very positive for the country and it will reduce the dependence of the country on imports. The deal was signed by the South African farmers union who declared that the government’s policy was forcing white farmers to search some land abroad. The government wants to transfer some farms with white owners to the black majority population.

The land will be leased to the South African farmers for 30 years mainly to produce food and fibre. The minister of agriculture in Congo declared that it is abnormal that despite the big import, people of Congo stay food insecure. That is the reason why the government is trying to mobilise Congolese people to work in agriculture but they need international help for realising that.
According to a BBC journalist leasing a land for farming is a growing phenomenon in Africa but this agreement between Congo and South Africa is the biggest.

It is a well-known fact that the Republic of Congo is very dependent on other countries so this agreement is a step in the right direction. I hope that this agreement will have a positive effect on both countries. According to me other countries should follow the example of Congo and South Africa because it should give the possibility to other countries to reduce their import.

Navaron Walraeve


2 opmerkingen:

  1. I also think it's a good agreement for the countries. The people will realise that the government will help them so that the food in the country will grow. This agreement could be an influance to other countries, more countries will do something like that. It's a win-win situation.

    Sofie Lanckriet

  2. I think that this agreement between Congo and South Africa will have a positive influence for both contries.
    By this agreement the population of Congo will be less food insecure.
    I hope that other developing countries will follow their example.

    Magalie Van Belleghem
