zaterdag 10 oktober 2009

Competition Law

Blog 2: EU approves new Microsoft pledges

The European Union had asked Microsoft to stop with anti-competitive practices. Now has the technology giant agreed to give customers more choice of web browser through its Windows operating system and they are prepared to share information with rivals.
The EU is now waiting on the other software firms, asking of what they think of Microsoft’s offer.

In the past had Microsoft a lot of problems do deal with new products of other software firms, they always want to be the best. So the biggest problem is that Microsoft abused his dominant market position by eliminate rivals from their market position. Another example, in 2004 the EU forced them to offer a version of its Windows operating system without Microsoft’s own media player. They also must give rivals more information about how their system works so they could make their own software integrate better with the operating system.

Now in 2009 Microsoft learned from their mistakes and said that they are prepared to change more information with the other companies. They give the software companies the chance to develop themselves through the industry and work together.

I think it’s a good thing that Microsoft will help other firms and they want to share their documents because in the future and this crisis every company needs to work together. When you are selfish nobody will have respect and if you ever needs help they won’t help you. I understand that a company will make profits for the hard work but not on this way.

Written by Sofie Lanckriet, 3 LP3

Page last updated at 16:56 GMT, Wednesday, 7 October 2009 17:56 UK

1 opmerking:

  1. I think it's a good thing that EU ask at other software companies what Microsoft should offer. So now the days the other companies have the oppertunity to compete with Microsoft. This competition might have a influence on the price of software. I think it will become less expensive in the future.

    Magalie Van Belleghem, 3RP1
