zondag 4 oktober 2009

Blog 1: Restaurant tipping law to change

It is prohibited for employers to use tips and service charges to raise the staff pay to meet the minimum wage.

This measure will come into force in 2009 and it will benefit persons who are working in industries such as restaurants and bars.
Unions are very pleased with this move because they say that not allowing employees to have tips in addition to pay is an abuse.
Business Secretary John Hutton wants that the customers know where their money is going and if the establishment use a fair tipping policy.
According to John Hutton hundreds of thousands of people have a job where tipping is commonplace. The consumers expect it to go to service staff but they have the right to know if that actually happens.
Unions are very pleased with this move because they have argued that the current law is unfair. Derek Simpson, the joint leader of the Unite union says that he’s satisfied with the measure that employers will no longer be able to use the tips left for the staff to subsidise low wages.

The union wants to introduce a Fair Tips logo in places where the staff receive at least the minimum wage as well as all tips.
It is a good fact that the government wants to make sure that the employees can keep their tips and that it is the responsibility of the employers to pay the minimum wage.

According to me this is a fantastic decision of the government. People give a tip because they are satisfied of the way they were served by the employees and not to subsidise the low wages.
When I go to a bar or a restaurant, I give a tip that is meant to be for the employees and not for the employer so after writing this blog I will think twice.
I’m very pleased with the measure to introduce a Fair tip logo because the consumer is now sure that his tip will be for the staff.

Navaron Walraeve

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7533863.stm

1 opmerking:

  1. I totally agree with Navaron, it isn't fair that employers can use the tips to raise the staffs salary. It's not correct because a lot of reasons. There can be employees who are motivated and earn lots of tips and others that doesn't even try.
    I think it's a good thing that the union wants to introduce a fair tips logo and people will actually take attention to the logo placed on the window.
    I am sure that there is in Belgum a other system. The wait staff can keep the thips and most of them doesn't need to share it with the others. Although I think it isn't fair to the kitchen staff who earn nothing at all... .
    The Belgium system isn't perfect but I am conviced that it is better than in the U.K. .
    Magalie Van Belleghem 3RP1
